ACAAM AwardsACAAM recognizes the importance of celebrating your achievements, in addition to supporting your critical work and passion for the field. Outstanding individuals are recognized with various awards in academic addiction medicine and honored at the Annual Addiction Medicine Fellow Virtual Graduation and ACAAM Awards Recognition Event. Nominate for The Kevin B. Kunz Award!The Call for Award Nominations for The Kevin B. Kunz Award will close October 8, 2024. Congratulations to our 2024 Award Recipients The Kevin B. Kunz Award2024 Kevin B. Kunz Award RecipientJames f. callahan, dpaAcceptance RemarksAward Criteria and Past RecipientsKeeper of the Flame Award2024 Keeper of the Flame Award Recipientrichard saitz, md mph facp dfasam (posthumous award)Family Acceptance RemarksAward Criteria and Past Recipients |