ACAAM's Specialty Showcase and Virtual Convenings
In May, ACAAM hosted its first Specialty Showcase and three Virtual Convenings for member segments.
Specialty Showcase – May 9
As a part of ACAAM’s commitment to growing the pipeline of future fellows, earlier this month, we held our first Specialty Showcase event, which was an opportunity for residents, medical students, and others who were interested in learning more about addiction medicine fellowships to get the basics and ask their questions. More than 100 registered for the event, with approximately 45 participating live, and the event recording has been shared with all registrants.
Fellow Convening – May 17
ACAAM fellows came together to connect as they near the end of their fellowship year. They provided excellent feedback about how ACAAM can continue to provide value to future fellows, and they discussed their excitement about the future as they prepare to head off into their post-fellowship careers.
Program Director Convening – May 18
Several program directors came together to discuss a variety of topics during the most recent Program Director Convening. Outcomes from the meeting include a flyer that is being created about the Match for programs to share with residents at their institutions, as well as the creation of guidance from ACAAM on what format programs should use for their interviews in the upcoming Match cycle. Both of these items will be shared with members in the coming months.
Program Administrator Convening – May 25
An engaged group of Program Administrators came together to help one another maneuver through the many responsibilities they hold at their institutions, including enhancing evaluations and managing rotations from residents and medical students from other institutions to grow the pipeline. The group is excited about the launch of ACAAM’s new member community, which is planned to take place in July.